Pine & Peak is the result of a dream and a complete labor of love. Our mission is to encourage women to stop allowing their size to dictate their confidence. Feel cute and confident in ANY size, life is too short.

Hey Everyone!
My name is Brittany and I am a wife to a hardworking husband and mom of two little boys. Entering into motherhood has been the most fulfilling journey of my life. While being my favorite job, it has also taken some time for me to find myself again since becoming a mom. I experienced a season of self-identity, and self-image issues, which was pretty tough. I have always loved putting outfits together and spending extra time in my closet. Making new outfits was inspiring to me and brought so much clarity to who I was. It was time to throw out the clothes that “used to fit and will fit again once I lose the extra weight” and start finding clothes that fit right now. Clothes that made me feel confident and love my body again. Clothes that expressed my true style and allowed me to walk into a room with my head held high regardless of the size I was wearing. The longer I did this the more passionate I felt about other women feeling confident in their clothes despite their size. Opening my boutique has been a dream of mine for a very long time. Spending time in my closet being creative and piecing together new outfits has led to the inspiration and meaning behind my store. I am so excited to share this with you all.
I think it’s time for all of us ladies to accept and love our bodies in whatever season of life we are in. Let us be gracious with ourselves and earn back the confidence we deserve. There's no better feeling than walking into a room with your head held high because you feel cute and don’t care what anyone else thinks about it. I’m ready to make that the new normal, friend, and I hope this collection of fun things to shop through will only be the start of an even greater journey for you.
Thank you for taking the time to hear my story and I hope to hear yours one day too.